Destination Georgetown

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A Great Place to Grow

Destination Georgetown is a group of passionate advocates, dedicated volunteers, influential stakeholders, and community organizers who work every day to bridge the gap between the town council, community members and local businesses, to revitalize historic downtown, help create jobs, and foster pride in our community.

Sunny Side Garden Destination Georgetown Indiana

Upcoming Events

Are you looking for something to do on Halloween Eve? Head on over to The Spot for Open Mic Night. 6-8pm 

The unique challenge for the revitalization of downtown is the architecture of the buildings. Most were built as residential properties, but with creativity and planning there is the possibility for downtown to be a unique commercial opportunity. A tattoo parlor, donut shop, hair stylist, pet grooming, automotive dealership and auto repair shop already call downtown Georgetown home and have been there for several years. A recent retail spending gap analysis done with a 1-mile radius from the center of downtown Georgetown showed that there are other opportunities. These included; home furnishing stores, electronic and appliances; sporting goods, hobby, and books and music stores; and office supply and gift stores; with an average demand supply of $600,000. If you move out to a 5-mile radius the gap between supply and demand grows exceptionally to $203,000,000.

With the Urban Sprawl bearing down, the Town Board approved a revitalization plan put together via Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA). This plan brings an opportunity for much wanted and welcomed revitalization effort to the downtown area. Community members and local businesses want to help manage this growth and make Georgetown a destination to live, work, play, and relax.